Choose an experienced, qualified and insured expert with over 20 years experience.
Mark takes pride in his work and his ability to produce the results you’re looking for!
His clients enjoy an ever-changing workout that varies as their new bodies evolve. He realizes that each client has different needs and different body types which is why each client’s session is customized, keeping the motivation inspiring. This combination of quality and experience has been the winning combination for a fun and effective system of personal training for more than 20 years in the Boca Raton area.
So what makes ReMarkable Results training so effective?
Mark applies a multi-dimensional approach to fitness that integrates the mind, body and spirit! He uses a variety of exercise techniques and keeps track of all workouts to maintain consistent progress and easily scales those difficult plateaus.
Let’s face it! Americans are spending major bucks on health issues that are directly related to poor diet and lack of exercise. Don’t even get him started on the money being spent on plastic surgery!
Research shows that cancer, diabetes, arthritis, heart problems and many other diseases are linked to what you put into your body and how often you exercise!